
” “
Description: Searches for an exact phrase or match.
Example: "exact phrase" site:example.com

Description: Wildcard used to search pages that contain “anything” before your word.
Example: how to * site:example.com

Description: Concatenates words to detect pages using more than one specific keyword.
Example: keyword1 + keyword2 site:example.com

Description: Minus operator to avoid showing results containing certain words.
Example: keyword -excluded site:example.com

Description: Searches for web pages with a specific keyword in anchor text (linked text).
Example: allinanchor:keyword site:example.com

Description: Searches for multiple keywords within the text of a web page.
Example: allintext:keyword1 keyword2 site:example.com

Description: Searches for multiple keywords within the title tag of a web page.
Example: allintitle:keyword1 keyword2 site:example.com

Description: Searches for multiple keywords within the URL of a web page.
Example: allinurl:keyword1 keyword2 site:example.com

Description: Searches for mobile apps related to a specific keyword.
Example: app:keyword site:example.com

Description: Searches for books with a specific title or author.
Example: book:"book title" author:author name site:example.com

Description: Shows the cached version of a website.
Example: cache:example.com

Description: Provides definitions of a given term or phrase.
Example: define:term

Description: Searches for any kind of file extensions.
Example: filetype:pdf site:example.com

Description: Searches for web pages with a specific keyword in anchor text (linked text).
Example: inanchor:keyword site:example.com

Description: Retrieves information about a specific website.
Example: info:example.com

Description: Searches for blog posts written by a specific author.
Example: inpostauthor:author name site:example.com

Description: Searches for a specific keyword within the text of a web page.
Example: intext:"keyword" site:example.com

Description: Searches for pages with a specific keyword in the title tag.
Example: intitle:"keyword" site:example.com

Description: Fetches results with URLs that contain a specific keyword.
Example: inurl:"keyword" site:example.com

Description: Finds pages that link to a specific URL.
Example: link:example.com

Description: Displays a map for a specific location.
Example: map:location site:example.com

Description: Searches for movies with a specific title or actor.
Example: movie:"movie title" actor:actor name site:example.com

Description: Searches for phonebook listings for a specific person or business.
Example: phonebook:"person/business name" location site:example.com

Description: Displays web pages that are similar to a given URL.
Example: related:example.com

Description: Retrieves stock market information for a specific company.
Example: stocks:company site:example.com

Description: Retrieves weather information for a specific location.
Example: weather:location site:example.com

Google Dorks for SEO

  • Meta Description:
    Description: Search for web pages that contain specific keywords in the meta description.
    Example: intext:"meta description" "your keywords" site:example.com
  • Title Tag:
    Description: Search for web pages that contain specific keywords in the title tag.
    Example: site:example.com intext:"title tag" "your keywords"
  • Indexed Pages:
    Description: Determine the number of indexed pages for a specific website.
    Example: site:example.com
  • Backlinks:
    Description: Identify pages that link to a specific website.
    Example: link:example.com
  • Indexed Keywords:
    Description: Discover the keywords that a website is indexed for.
    Example: site:example.com "your keyword"

Google Dorks for OSINT

  • File and Document Discovery:
    Description: Search for specific file types or documents containing sensitive information.
    Example: filetype:pdf site:example.com confidential
  • Username and Email Search:
    Description: Use Google Dorks to find public profiles or sites associated with a particular username or email address.
    Example: "John Doe" site:linkedin.com
  • Directory Listing:
    Description: Discover exposed directories or files on a website that might contain sensitive information.
    Example: intitle:"index of" site:example.com
  • Vulnerability Identification:
    Description: Look for websites or systems with potential vulnerabilities by searching for error messages or known vulnerabilities.
    Example: "SQL syntax error" site:example.com
  • Social Media Investigations:
    Description: Search for specific content, profiles, or discussions on social media platforms.
    Example: site:twitter.com "keyword" since:2022-01-01 until:2022-12-31

Website Enumeration

Backup Files:
Description: Search for backup files on a website.
Example: site:example.com ext:sql OR ext:db

Configuration Files:
Description: Find configuration files on a website.
Example: site:example.com ext:conf OR ext:config

Log Files:
Description: Look for log files on a website.
Example: site:example.com ext:log

Database Dumps:
Description: Search for database dumps on a website.
Example: site:example.com ext:sql

Administrative Pages:
Description: Find administrative pages on a website.
Example: site:example.com inurl:admin

Git Repositories:
Description: Look for publicly accessible Git repositories on a website.
Example: site:example.com ext:git

FTP Server Configurations:
Description: Search for FTP server configuration files on a website.
Example: site:example.com inurl:ftp

WordPress Backup Files:
Description: Find WordPress backup files on a website.
Example: site:example.com inurl:wp-content/backup